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Tuesday, 15 June 2010



The Council is considering revising its housing targets in light of the Secretary of State’s letter almost three weeks ago.

Cllr Alan Napier, Deputy Council Leader - “We may have to revise this as a local plan because it will have to take into account the regional spatial strategy. Everyone has heard the announcement by the Lib Cons, or whatever you call them, that they have already abolished the regional spatial strategy.”

Cllr Richard Bell - “It is a long-term plan, and some of its assumptions on housing numbers come from the Regional Spatial Strategy which is probably going to be torn up by the new Government. We need a good ‘bottom up’ debate on where we see ourselves going in planning and economic development. Teesdale has an opportunity here to say how it sees itself in the future: as a dormitory for the rest of the county, or as a sustainable working economy.

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