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Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Planners' Budget Breakdown

Simplifying the planning process
* through the use of Local Development Orders, was "part of the shift to a more locally driven planning regime".
* a rise in VAT to 20%
* two-year pay freeze for public sector workers the government
* confirmation of intention to scrap Regional Development Agencies and replace them with "strong local enterprise partnerships, particularly those based around England’s major cities and other natural economic areas, to enable improved coordination of public and private investment in transport, housing, skills, regeneration and other areas of economic development."
* a new Regional Growth Fund for England in 2011-12 and 2012-13 to support employment and economic growth. The Devolved Administrations will be "encouraged" to undertake similar action.* a "new approach" to the English regions with a white paper on the issue later in the summer.

Further Cuts
* government departments including CLG, Environment and Transport will have their budgets cut by 25% over the course of the Parliament.

* Osborne confirmed the upgrade of the Tyne & Wear Metro, the extension of the Manchester Metrolink, the redevelopment of Birmingham New Street station and improvements to the rail lines to Sheffield and between Liverpool and Leeds.
* the establishment of Infrastructure UK (IUK) to lead work within HM Treasury to "enable greater private sector investment in infrastructure, and improve the government’s long-term planning and delivery".

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