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Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Picklewatch: turning of the tide?

South Oxfordshire

South Oxfordshire Council led the pack in withdrawing its core strategy in June, and could prove a trend-setter agan over the next few months as it re-commences forumlation of its core strategy this week. The authority clearly has one eye on the end of its current Local Plan in 2011. How pragmatic/politically prudent other Councils choose to me in the timing of teir corer strategy negotiations remains to be seen, and should make for interesting reading.

Commenting on the news on the South Oxfordshire authority's website, Planning Cabinet Member Cllr Angie Paterson said:

"We now have a strong steer from government that we are responsible for establishing the right pattern of development for our area, including the right level of local housing provision. The withdrawal of the South East Plan means that housing targets will no longer be imposed upon us.

"The responsibility is now ours to address how best to meet the various challenges facing us, including how best to foster a healthy local economy and how to meet the present and on-going need for more housing.

"To respond fully to these new freedoms and responsibilities will mean a fresh approach to producing local planning policy documents and we know this will take some time to do, probably several years. But in the meantime we are also very conscious that our current Local Plan only takes us to 2011. We need a clear vision to carry us through the next few years until we can deliver the next generation of local plan. We need a vision that will help us to continue to attract funding and investment for those areas where we are confident there is support for further development and that will also ensure we are in control of what development happens elsewhere - development led by our vision and not by speculative planning applications."

Read the full article here:;jsessionid=aEMrMdpT8jW4

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